PARACHUTE supports schools in low-income areas by providing 13 to 18-year-old children with necessities such as gloves, personal hygiene items, clothing, and food. We have provided meals to six schools across multiple communities, and many other schools have reached out to us for help. In 2023, we donated one hundred book bags to a school and organized an event where we distributed book bags filled with school supplies to children, including homeless students. In addition to providing tangible assistance, we also mentor young students in developing good habits, finding balance, and taking responsibility. Our team also provides Bibles and schedules Bible study sessions for students who wish to learn more about Christ! We recently assisted a few homeless individuals, but we would like to do more by offering them blankets, socks, warm meals, and a place to sleep for at least one night. Unfortunately, due to our financial constraints, we are unable to provide the level of support we desire for the homeless community. Additionally, we are working with two companies that assist individuals who are in need of protection from their spouses. For safety reasons, we cannot disclose the names of these companies, but we are happy to help the children, mothers, and fathers associated with these two companies, and those alike, who are in dire need of food, clothing, and shelter. PARACHUTE has successfully registered with these organizations and can provide the necessary support to those who need it.


In 2024, our plan is to rent or purchase a building and open it up, to offer assistance to those who need help with completing job applications and GED programs. Currently, we are already slightly involved in these activities. PARACHUTE also aims to provide afterschool programs such as soccer, basketball, etc…, for children who would like to participate, and perhaps provide them a ride home afterward too! Moreover, we would like to impart parenting skills to interested individuals.


PARACHUTE serves people from all cultures, and to continue providing help and expanding our outreach, we require monetary donations. Additionally, we are searching for volunteers who are fluent in Spanish, and we welcome any support in all areas. Please let us know if you have any contacts with organizations or individuals who can support our cause. And last but not least, we would greatly appreciate your prayers!