Stephanie James, affectionately known as "Steph," is a dedicated individual whose life revolves around serving her community in Columbia, SC. Born and raised in the heart of South Carolina, Stephanie's commitment to philanthropy and social impact emerged from her formative years and has continued to define her life's purpose.

A graduate of Columbia International University/Seminary School with a focus on community organization, youth, and Bible studies, Stephanie's journey in the nonprofit sector began as a volunteer at Harvest, her cherished church of over 20 years. At Harvest, she channels her media skills, hospitality, and teaching expertise while actively participating in mission trips and contributing to various initiatives that uplift and support the congregation.

Stephanie's heartfelt dedication extends beyond the church walls. For the past eight years, she has been a pillar of support for both Lexington and Columbia, providing shelter, food, and educational resources to those in need.

Her unwavering commitment to helping the underprivileged stems from a deeply rooted desire to make a tangible difference in people's lives. From standing up against bullying as a child to reaching out to elderly neighbors and organizing support for those in her community, Stephanie's compassion and selflessness have left an indelible mark on countless lives.

Stephanie's hero and inspiration, her grandmother Rose, instilled in her the values of compassion, humility, and the importance of silent yet impactful kindness. Stephanie's inherent quirkiness, characterized by a preference for small, intimate interactions despite her passion for community service, exemplifies her unique approach to making a difference.

Stephanie James embodies the ethos of compassion and unwavering dedication, transforming lives through her relentless pursuit of creating a more equitable and caring society.